September 19, 2024
🧾Training prescription for the anaerobic alactic energy system development
❓What is the minimal effective intensity? What volume should be prescribed? This are common issues when developing the anaerobic alactic energy system, as well as related speed abilities and peak power. Although different authors provide different volume recommendations, an individual approach means calculating the training load right during the session using performance markers.
⚡️Intensity: physical activity with effort >95% intensity [1, 2]. It is assumed that lower-intensity activities aren’t sufficient for stimulating adaptation of the neuromuscular system
⏱Duration: < 5 seconds - anaerobic alactic power / 6-10 seconds - anaerobic alactic capacity [3]
🏖Rest: 2-8 minutes [1, 4]. Full recovery is required between each sprint, allowing the athlete to perform each repetition without a drop-off in performance. Start from 2 minutes. In cases when performance declines below 95%, the rest period should be prolonged
🔋Volume: as many repetitions as possible without reducing performance below 95% [1, 2]. As soon as the increase in the duration of rest ceases to have an effect, the training should be completed
💭How do you define training volume? Please share in comments. Thank you!
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