March 5, 2024

by: Vlady Zankavets

πŸš€ Speed-strength development


πŸš€Speed-strength abilities of a hockey player have a strong impact on on-ice skating speed (see the previous post). One of the effective approaches for speed-strength development is a low-load high-velocity training, as utilization of ballistic exercises with 30-40% of maximum load results in the greatest increase in maximal mechanical power output comparing to other types of training [1, 2]. The latter author recommends to use 2-4 sets x 5 reps per exercise.

πŸ“ˆTypically we perform 5-6 exercises per session (1) lower-body pushing, 2) upper-body pushing, 3) core rotational, 4) lower-body pulling, 5) upper-body pulling, 6) core rotational). From periodization standpoint, we use the following progression:
30% of RM x 5 reps x 2-4 sets β†’
40% of RM x 4 reps x 2-4 sets β†’
50% of RM x 3 reps x 2-4 sets.

Thank You for reading!

1. Wilson, GJ. The optimal training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance.
2. Matveyev, LP. The theory and methods of physical education.

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