🗓Following a recovery microcycle, weeks 5 and 6 emphasize speed, power, and maximal strength development.
🏃Sprints performed during the first training session are used as a means for:
A) speed abilities development;
B) weekly speed monitoring;
C) individual sled loading and speed decrement calculation for the next track session (the third practice of the week following a day off).
🏋🏼During the second training session of the microcycle, maximal mechanical power output is the goal. To achieve it, ballistic exercises with loads equal to 30–40% of 1RM are used [1, 2].
💪🏻The final workout is devoted to maximal strength development.
Week 5 → Week 6
🏃🛷Sled resistance: 10 meter sprinting 40% speed decrement → 15 meter 30% decrement
🏋🏼Ballistic exercises: 30% of 1RM → 40% of 1RM
💪🏻Maximal strength: 87% of 1RM → 90% of 1RM
Thank you!
1. Wilson, GJ. The optimal training load for the development of dynamic athletic performance.
2. Matveyev, LP. The theory and methods of physical education.