🏝A popular approach «rest for 1.5 months first, then train non-stop» is not efficient.
📉Endurance, Strength, and Speed become COMPROMISED after 2 weeks of REST. Every next week of rest leads to a more significant decrease in physical qualities.
The more time is spent resting, the longer period of training is required to get back to the initial level. No time for development is left. As a consequence, no progress from season to season is present.
🗓The next planning approach is recommended:

📍2 weeks of rest after the last game of the season. This rest is required to recover after a grueling competition period, and at the same time, conditions won’t be lost.
📍Afterwards, every 2 weeks of training is alternated with 1 week of rest. It provides stimuli for the development of physical qualities, as well as enough time to recover physically and psychologically.
📈The current approach provides a comparable total rest and training volume in a more efficient manner.
Thank you for reading!